My Veteran

Friday, November 11, 2011

Here in America we are celebrating Veterans Day, a tribute to our fighting forces. A valid, respectful holiday I feel. A day we salute all the veterans; past, present and future, who afford us our freedoms but they are not alone. Did you know, here in America, we have forgotten veterans?

A category of veteran that has no holiday; no lobbyist banging home their contributions to our country and ask for only a smile. An acknowledgement of the fact they are, a veteran. Do you know these veterans?

Ugh…. You Know

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Don’t you? I would think you do know that anything I do, I do wholeheartedly and with purpose. It may take me some time to come to that reasoning but once I do…

I am purpose driven and I will tell you right up front, with a heavy sigh, I failed my mission.

Just So You Know

Friday, November 4, 2011

Another Friday to check off, another month has passed and another weekend is upon us, got plans? Want Plans?

Plans are subjective; let’s see what I accomplished this week. Did I accomplish anything? I did, but just so you know… 


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I know NANO is going on for many of you writers and this year I wondered, what on earth can I do to help? I studied on this for a moment, trying to recall your suffering from last year and then it hit me!

I remember some of you just had a dang hard time even starting, an idea was born. Not to take up too much of your valuable writing time I am offering a few free plots here. Feel free to steal any or all.

Going UP