One Word

Friday, September 23, 2011

So where have I been? Well I thought I knew where I was but if you ask those who are trying to explain this Google+ then I have been somewhere else, a cave. I’m not even sure as I write this I will be able to figure out how to post it. Is this a plot to hide the rainbow?

I have tried three times to find my dashboard and as of now I’m still not sure where they hid it. Any one with a good map of Googletown will you please forward me a PDF?! But none of this is what I came here for, not at all. Why then did I come?

Red Box of Death

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I am extremely busy with my small architectural project and I did not have time for this. Apparently the "Red Box" of death is making another round through the blogosphere. I want you to know I will continue to follow everyone but ....

Until this situation has corrected its self I have removed the blog roll widget from my blog. It's not like I get a ton of comments anyway but to have my page display as if I have cooties is just down right wrong. I've never had cooties, fleas maybe but never cooties.

I must now return to pulling my hair out, one hair at a time. :)


Do You Know This Man?

Monday, September 5, 2011

He heard the rain, it had begun as a drizzle. Soon that drizzle turned to a downright rain and settled in for an all-night event. Not exactly what he had planned but all in all, maybe a good thing? The rain was comforting compared to the other surrounding audio that filled the room.

He lay there staring at the ceiling trying desperately not to think of what the morning would bring. His eyes closed, he concentrated on the rhythmic sound of rain falling to the beat of the universe. Why did the rain not calm him anymore, nor woo him to sleep as past rains had done?

Just So You Know

Friday, September 2, 2011

The beginning of the end or so it is for summer. Here it is going out with a bang, 96 today and 76 Sunday but I digress. I thought it only fitting to end the summer with another installment of "Just So You Know... Don't you think?

I know we are all going to be doing the last of summer, rush to complete dance, so I will keep this short. Just a few, random thoughts. Are you ready?

Going UP