Hey, Pull My Chain

Friday, April 20, 2012

It was not a chance meeting, I mean after all, the sun was out and you expect to see someone you know enjoying the weather. This however was not what I had in mind nor need at this point in my life.

I had noticed him the moment I opened the door but intentionally avoided eye contact to get the patio. Apparently that did not work and his pick-up line?

Just So You Know…

Friday, April 6, 2012

Another installment of small snippets that cross my mind, have touched my heart, or you just need to know. Are you ready?

Just so you know… for the next year Kentucky rules. Yes we are the champions. Also should you need to part with a sofa… several students over at the college are in need of one. Apparently they burned theirs in the celebration.

Can I Call it a Walk-About?

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Aussie’s call it a walk-about, some call it soul searching, whatever I’ve been there. I awoke one morning needing to change my life and I just walked out, metaphorically speaking. Its funny how you try to take the bull by the horns only to have to the horns come off in your hands but that’s another post, my walk-about.

One morning I just took out walking to feel the cadence of one foot in front of the other. A step at a time I was walking in the realm of my own possibilities. I lost all track of distance and time, night fell and with all that walking I was parched; great a bar.

Did not think twice, walked right in and my arm went instantly into the, “I’m here, need a drink” motion. I didn’t even look at the bar keep, “Shot of tequila, in fact make it two” I muttered. He said something about the salt being in front of me and asked if I wanted a lemon? To which I replied, “Do I look like a sissy drinker, just the shots please.”

Brain Fart and Awards

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I was not going to post this weekend but I messed things up and felt it best.  Oh yes, I screwed things up and thank you kindly to Theresa I found out quickly.

Ever see something and want it, only to find it does not work for you and all you want to do is return it? I  saw the new “Reply” option Blogger was offering, wanted it but found it did not want me. Hopefully, and I know it is thanks to Mary, I fixed my temporary want. So my post…

I received an award, actually two of them and no I really am swearing off awards but these two need mentioning.

First The Golden Eagle awarded me this and I thank her tremendously. Open-mouthed smile

Then I got this from Tammy @ A Message in a Bloggle, in which she also bestowed a huge compliment on me. Thanks does not say enough! Tammy is someone I thoroughly  enjoy; her wit and insight into the world we live… well go visit her and see. Tell her the crazy, loud-mouth, white woman over at the rainbow sent you.

I’m supposed to tell you seven things you do not yet know about me, so I’ll keep them short.

1.  I have 10 toes but only 9 toenails. I once was a covert operative and refuse to spill the beans, cost me 1 toenail.

2. I collect duck feathers. I’m half way to a homemade boa. Don’t ask me what I want them for.

3. & 4.  I don’t do dolls… of any kind and pink is my least favorite color. I’m the sister who would tear the arms and legs off Barbie and then give her a swirly. Pink and light blue say, “Stereotype” to me and I don’t do that either.

5. I’m secretly in love with those paper mache guys in the Kayak commercial. I want one.

6. I love playing pranks on people in the grocery and with men doing more shopping… I actually look forward to grocery shopping.

7. I believe in ghosts, big foot and the Lochness monster, so don’t go busting my bubble. Nessy I will never meet but this summer I’m taking Pete, my ghost, to Ohio to look for Bigfoot.

I’m not forwarding either of these. If you are here take them, I’m screaming at you to take them. If you are here you are close to my heart and I want to give you something, I just lazy and don’t want to do all that linking.

A great weekend to all!


Jell-O Molds, Get Real!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I was fortunate enough to know a living great-grandmother complete with all her wisdom. Along with this wisdom came her simplicity of home décor, her kitchen my favorite room in her house. This room was true comfort to me and the décor?

The décor was cooking utensils, items one actually used to prepare a meal. We now have gotten away from hanging such kitchen décor but I remember those kitchen walls and my favorite wall? The one that held a huge collection of Jell-O molds.


Friday, January 6, 2012

The first Friday of the New Year and I’m sitting here pounding my head on the screen trying to knock a thought out. Not that I don’t have any but rather I have too many and I have to pick. Hummmm… which will be my expunged thought of the day?

I had this thought way back mid-last year but the timing was not right. I feel safe now in sharing this story and yes, it is a true story. My first Friday entry shall be a story.

Going UP