Art is Subjective
Monday, August 22, 2011
I just checked my blog with Windows IE and still you cannot read it. I’m hoping a new posting will correct this, but in case it does not, please trying reading with another browser if you have one. And how was your weekend?
Weekends now to me are like falling into another dimension of time. Ms. Twister whirls in with jet lag, road worn and tries to cram more in one day than a human can but her powers of observation never seems to fail her.
No matter what I have managed to achieve during the week, her powers seem to hone in on the one thing I forgot to do. This is not to myself; change the bulbs in the garage so there will be light.
I went to our local juried art show Saturday; it supposedly is one of the best in the state. People stretching the limits with Raku appear to be all the rage in the art world and mixed media made a strong showing, but…
As I wandered the booths a pattern began to emerge, one I think many of you as writers already know; price does not equal quality.
The artists with the crammed booths were those with prices that required one to sign over their first born child. I stood in front of a couple straining and tippy-toeing to see what was for sale and after doing this several times it became apparent.
It was the price these crammers-of-the-booths were attracted to, like moths to a flame they flitted about ogling so-so creations. I stood back and noticed the artist in the next booth with a wonderful display of mixed-media merely surviving the heat.
I turned and continued on with the show but that sight burned a mental imagine in me that brought on many questions.
As artists we must sell our wares but is it not a fine line between selling and making art accessible to all? Will it ever be art if the only place it is displayed is on your own wall?
As consumers, we must not be that moth to the flame; we must broaden our visual taste buds. Sometimes it is the concept of a piece that makes it true art; the newness of a media or the use of not so usual subjects all done with a concept. So squint, see the concept.
I know you writer types can translate this to your writing, as I know you crafters can as well but take this squint concept one step further. Isn’t it life we must squint through to see the concept? It is not always about the finish product; sometimes it is merely the concept.
Have a great Monday and I hope you do not have to squint again to read this.
Weekends now to me are like falling into another dimension of time. Ms. Twister whirls in with jet lag, road worn and tries to cram more in one day than a human can but her powers of observation never seems to fail her.
No matter what I have managed to achieve during the week, her powers seem to hone in on the one thing I forgot to do. This is not to myself; change the bulbs in the garage so there will be light.
I went to our local juried art show Saturday; it supposedly is one of the best in the state. People stretching the limits with Raku appear to be all the rage in the art world and mixed media made a strong showing, but…
As I wandered the booths a pattern began to emerge, one I think many of you as writers already know; price does not equal quality.
The artists with the crammed booths were those with prices that required one to sign over their first born child. I stood in front of a couple straining and tippy-toeing to see what was for sale and after doing this several times it became apparent.
It was the price these crammers-of-the-booths were attracted to, like moths to a flame they flitted about ogling so-so creations. I stood back and noticed the artist in the next booth with a wonderful display of mixed-media merely surviving the heat.
I turned and continued on with the show but that sight burned a mental imagine in me that brought on many questions.
As artists we must sell our wares but is it not a fine line between selling and making art accessible to all? Will it ever be art if the only place it is displayed is on your own wall?
As consumers, we must not be that moth to the flame; we must broaden our visual taste buds. Sometimes it is the concept of a piece that makes it true art; the newness of a media or the use of not so usual subjects all done with a concept. So squint, see the concept.
I know you writer types can translate this to your writing, as I know you crafters can as well but take this squint concept one step further. Isn’t it life we must squint through to see the concept? It is not always about the finish product; sometimes it is merely the concept.
Have a great Monday and I hope you do not have to squint again to read this.
Art is subjective, and that which is really popular rarely attracts my attention.
I'm looking at your blog with IE8 and all is well!
I can read this post today! Yay! ☺ I'm using IE9, though I cannot read your older posts. (If you left me an award, I can't see it. I'll just assume you passed it to me. LOL ☺ Thanks. )
I second Alex's comment about art. Honestly, most 'concepts' don't cut it for me. While I can appreciate the concept, I don't necessarily get it. Happy Monday!
Yes, I agree about art. The piece has to call my name or whisper to me causing me to come back and look again.
I can read your post!!!! My favorite blessing so far this day.
Good morning! I was MIA this weekend, in Tn. again. Had to clean my grandmother's house in hopes of getting is sold. I'll try and catch up soon!
Yay! I can read this!
Art, like writing, is so subjective. I constantly amazed that what really appeals to me is loathed by someone else!
You're right on target, Jules! My son Matthew, who's a graphic designer in Chicago and still goes to the Art Institute, talks about this subject often with me. Love the conversations, perspectives and input from someone who's creativity blows my mind.
Recently my area officials paid a massive amount of money for a 'sculpture' that cause a Hugh uproar and controversy. The 'artist' was well know for his 'high prices' more than his art. His excuse for the uproar was that 'real art' causes controversy. My son said that was Not True, just a made up reason for the controversy and this 'artist' apparently has a Hugh ego, probably brought on by people paying ridiculous amounts of money for his 'work' and I use the words 'work' and 'art' loosely with this person. :-)
Got it! No squinting, either. :) I think you see this in everything, not just writing and art. Not everyone like asparagus, for example. lol
Hope you retrieved enough of your story! Have a good day!
A work of art really has to appeal to me and the way out stuff doesn't do it! Hope all your blogger problems clear up soon!
I read your post ok Jules. It's so annoying when thing go wrong.
Thanks for your comment, I feel awful as I said to my daughter only the day before"It's a wonder there are not accidents in those planes. The Saturday one crashed.
There are six books of condolances here in the town.His wife was watching at the time.....such a tradgedy.
Hope you are ok.
I like Alex's quote. I couldn't read your post at first because my dog just pawed me in the eye (for reals.) I'm on mozilla and can see it fine through my good eye.
I haven't had any trouble reading you -- understanding is another story :D Just kidding!
Art at those shows is about liking what you can afford. Times are tough, it does something to the eyes. :/
I've come to the conclusion almost everything is subjective from Commas in writing to art of an unknown kind. I don't want to write for money- I want to write because of the way it makes me feel- if money ends up being apart of it- well I wont complain- but the lack of money is nothing to me either. Have a great Monday Jules.
Art is subjective and often has no rhyme or reason. Why do I like one impressionist artist while ignoring others? No reason I guess. Or rhyme. I stopped trying to explain it to myself and others. If it floats my boat then great. If not, no worries.
Oh, yeah, I can see! I can see! :-)
Thank you for the award, Jules. You said you had something for me, and previously the only bit I could make out was "rutabaga" and, much as I like you, I wasn't going to thank you for awarding me a yucky vegetable.
I'm manning the guns on an upcoming blogfest, but I promise I will get a post up sometime before Christmas!
Thank you again.
I can finally leave a comment! YAY!
Re: art, I know what I like when I see it, and rarely let price stop me, but at a recent art show in Minneapolis the darling little oil painting I wanted was over $800! Needless to say, that was over my head.
Still. It was beautiful...
All art is not created equal. Often, if I like it, I can't afford it.
This November, I'm going to an Illustrator's gallery. Sometimes I think it would be good to have a children's book picture on my wall. Many of those artists are pretty talented.
I can read this fine! Sorry you have had so many troubles with Blogger, how frustrating. Loved reading about the art show. I hope your week ahead is a good one. :)
I was thinking the same thing as I walked around the local fair where I live. I'm amazed some of the artists get any sails at all! But they must, or they wouldn't pay to be there... I'm just floored by it all! If people ARE buying... maybe my artistic kids will be rich after all! LOL :)
I already squint through life, but my eyes are going.... But at least I've always been able to see your blog, so I consider myself very lucky! Honestly, sometimes I think most people don't know how to judge art except through the high price. Great post. One might call it art. :)
I had an art teacher once who only liked modern, abstract art. We got in so many arguments about what good art was. Beauty and art are in the eye of the beholder, as they should be:)
I can see everything fine. Art to me must make me feel something, stimulate a memory, echo a mood, evoke some type of feeling or stir one. Perhaps it reminds me of a sunset I saw, or a moment that was happy, whatever I must have a sensory attachment to it or it stays at the booth. Books, words have to make me feel or remind me of memories. They might give me insight to a life I would never know, they might entertain me or show me a crack in the universe I would never know existed, or give me a view of history. ETC... I must be drawn in by the characters and feel something for them~
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