The Journey Continues

Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh, the journey gets more interesting. As most have now noticed there are no longer advertisements on my blog page. I unknowingly broke Google's  rules and without even an email questionnaire regarding the matter they took them off the blog. Of which I really have no problem with, I just find it strange that the morning I am able to request my first payment, that afternoon I get canned. Oh, well. My blog is not about advertisements anyway; on with blogging.

This journey of life takes us in many directions, along many ups and downs, through many diverse situations, it is up to us to challenge ourselves to rise to the occasion. This is the condition I now find myself in. My resolve is to find something to laugh about every day, this is a coping mechanism we all tend to over look.

We look around to see nothing but bad things going on, we feel the adversities we are trudging through, and we hear nothing but negative and we forget to laugh. By forgetting to laugh we fall victim to the situation. The ying and yang is happening, we merely have to open our eyes to see. We have to re-train our brains to see the sky partly sunny instead of partly cloudy. For every bad action the opposite and equal reaction is good.

So my closing thought is a mere challenge. Try for one day, to look beyond what ever it is that causes you a negative reaction and find a funny or positive aspect to the situation; Laugh! It will happen, you just have to focus.

Here's wishing you a partly sunny day.


Martini Cartwheels said, 

What a great message in this post. While I respect the seriousness of the happenings in the world around us, I also believe that we need to laugh more and take the time to enjoy. Wonderful post! And thank you for stopping by my blog earlier :)

January 18, 2010 at 9:08 PM  
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